Quotes; What they mean to me.

“It is only with the heart that one can see rightly; What is essential to life is invisible to the eye.” 

This quote is basically the “guide” to life. Love is essential to life.  When you’re in love you do not know with your eyes, you know by what your heart tells you. By this I mean yoy can be in love with anything, not just a person. For example; The little prince had respect for the flower creating a type of love. Your life is much easier and happier when you go with your heart. You would see almost everything on the happy side, unlike the eye. The eyes only see whats visible, the common things that everyone sees. 

“The desert radiates because of the well that it hides” 

This quote tells you about people. Lets look at this like the desert is the person and the well is the mounts of hopes and secrets everyone hides. This makes every person special. Every person has thier own screts, hopes, wishes, dreams, imaginations, and problems. It makes the person more interesting. More, whaat you call, “Radiant”. 

“…You and Only You will have the stars that laugh…” 

When the narrator says this to the little prince, i didnt get it at first, but after a while i kind of got it. This is in my perpective, so you may not get the same thought. After that the narrator says that all people have stars, they all have different meanings, but all of them are silent. I think only the little prince’s Star laughs because the little prince is so innocent, kind, and happy. He always sees life so understandably. 

“It is the time you spent on your flower that makes it so important to you”

This quote means when you think about, take care, embrace, something it becomes such a big and important part of your life. The time you spent on the person, creature, or even place becomes a huge impact in your life especially when your far from it. The time you are far from it, you only have the time that you spent on it to think about. You notice that this thing has become the most important thing thats means to you.


What is essential to life?

Whst is essential to life? well… as they say it is invisible, and the most thing that everyone needs in life is love. This love im talking about is any type of love. For example; Couples, friends, family, pets, plants, creatures. You have different types of love of them. You need that to get through life. Love is invisible to the eye, but only which the heart can see. You communicate, understand eachother by heart. Your feelings for your loved ones come from the heart. No one can see that, only you. Love makes this world a lot living, understanding, and happier.      


One thought on “Quotes; What they mean to me.

  1. Dear Tsomo,

    Some awesome and really deep thoughts here and I really enjoyed reading them all! I really enjoy your writing around what is essential to life, or the meaning to life. You really touched on something that is really important to us all and sometimes we do not see or are not able to realize that love that others share or have for us. We all need to express this better and to make a world void of competition and fighting, where love guides our actions!!!

    Awesome thoughts,

    Mr. Kozak


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