Taming and vocabulary

1. To me Taming means to teach, take care, and love something. To make something or someone behave with manner and discipline. To the little prince Taming means to take the time to take care of something, creating a bond like no other. That makes a thing where you can’t stop thinking about them, for the prince its the rose. 
2. “It is the time only with ones heart that one can see clearly”, means if you go with what your heart wants, life is much easier and clearer. “What is an essential (to life) is invisible to the eye”, means we can’t see what we are most in need of in life. Making our lives harder than it is.
3. “It is the time you lavished (spent) on your flower which makes your rose so important (to you)”, means if you were to take your time and spend it with someone or something, you will develop care and love for the “something” or someone. 
Vocab words:

Lavish- rich, elaborate, or luxurious. Bestow something in generous or extravagant quantities upon.

Responsibility- The state or fact of having a duty to deal with something or of having control over someone.

Tame- (of an animal) not dangerous or frightened of people; domesticated.

Ritual- a religious solemn consisting of series of actions performed according to a prescribed order.

Contemplate- look thoughtfully for a long time at.

Monotonous- dull, tedious, and repetitious; lacking in variety and interest.

Intrigued- Arouse the curiosity or interest of; fascinate.

Nuisance- A person thing, or Circumstance causing inconvenience or annoyance.  

Quotes; What they mean to me.

“It is only with the heart that one can see rightly; What is essential to life is invisible to the eye.” 

This quote is basically the “guide” to life. Love is essential to life.  When you’re in love you do not know with your eyes, you know by what your heart tells you. By this I mean yoy can be in love with anything, not just a person. For example; The little prince had respect for the flower creating a type of love. Your life is much easier and happier when you go with your heart. You would see almost everything on the happy side, unlike the eye. The eyes only see whats visible, the common things that everyone sees. 

“The desert radiates because of the well that it hides” 

This quote tells you about people. Lets look at this like the desert is the person and the well is the mounts of hopes and secrets everyone hides. This makes every person special. Every person has thier own screts, hopes, wishes, dreams, imaginations, and problems. It makes the person more interesting. More, whaat you call, “Radiant”. 

“…You and Only You will have the stars that laugh…” 

When the narrator says this to the little prince, i didnt get it at first, but after a while i kind of got it. This is in my perpective, so you may not get the same thought. After that the narrator says that all people have stars, they all have different meanings, but all of them are silent. I think only the little prince’s Star laughs because the little prince is so innocent, kind, and happy. He always sees life so understandably. 

“It is the time you spent on your flower that makes it so important to you”

This quote means when you think about, take care, embrace, something it becomes such a big and important part of your life. The time you spent on the person, creature, or even place becomes a huge impact in your life especially when your far from it. The time you are far from it, you only have the time that you spent on it to think about. You notice that this thing has become the most important thing thats means to you.


What is essential to life?

Whst is essential to life? well… as they say it is invisible, and the most thing that everyone needs in life is love. This love im talking about is any type of love. For example; Couples, friends, family, pets, plants, creatures. You have different types of love of them. You need that to get through life. Love is invisible to the eye, but only which the heart can see. You communicate, understand eachother by heart. Your feelings for your loved ones come from the heart. No one can see that, only you. Love makes this world a lot living, understanding, and happier.      


Grown Up Moments in Real life L.P.P

I have never really met a grown up that was like the grown ups in           “The Little Prince” ,i have seen an elderly, but i don’t know if it qualifies as a “strange” adult. She seemed like she was going through an all glitter phase. Where all you wear is glitter and pink. I saw her at the mall, shopping at Ardene. I have nothing against elderly/adults shopping at mostly teenage stores, but it just seems a little bit strange. i also met a person that tries really hard to be, what we call “cool”. The things that the person says is really really awkward when no one laughs at that persons jokes. That’s all the people i/ve met that are strange like the ones in the little prince.

❁ Flower Journal ❁

Our plant has not fully bloomed, but it is sprouting. Its only been three days and our plant is already ahead of everyone else 😛 What do i think of the plant? Well… its very different from the one in “The Little Prince” because our’s does not talk, demand, or express feelings. I think of our plant as life, because in life you start as a baby then you start sprouting, blooming into the greatest version of yourself, and then you slowly start losing petals, leaving a seed, for someone else to live. It didnt take hard work to take care of this plant, it just needed a little sunlight and some water! 

The Planet of Rarumi…

JUST IN! While scientsts all over the world were working, thier computers unusually got hacked. This was very very strange because the scientists computers have the best security systems that NO HUMAN could hack, only an alien like creature with a much bigger brain mass could do this. Finally the computer turned back on revealing a video… WELCOME HUMANS! To the secret World of Rarumi. Where life is much more happy, friendly, and safe. Recently our fellow scientists found that a new planet was being born, so we decided to move there since our planet was retiring. OOPS so sorry! I am so rude i forgot to introduce my self! I’m Oran, a “mutation” as you humans would call us. We’re much like you, except we are much more intelligent. Without further or due lets get started with the tour.  Lets start from Earth. To get here you would have to take a bullet skytrain, which is waiting for you in Tokyo Japan.  From there you would ahve to pay, and it will only take you about 20 minutes to get here since your traveling in bullet speed. Once you are in space you go through the blackhole. From there you will be on the other side of space and time. You will now see Planet Rarumi withits glass like protection around. The glasslike protection filters cleaner air and blocks out any intruders or asteroids. To get through the glassprotection you will need to scan yourself. If you are safe, you are good to go. The glass doors will open up and the bullet train will drop you off at the airport.  The planet of Rarumi was found by the great scientist, Dr. Tangola. Since this planet was just discovered a year ago, it is still in its making. A lot of living things live here. For example; Mutations, animals, Monsters, and soon humans! Everything runs on nature. Earning money is not an issue here. There are tons and tons of job openings! Houses are on sale now. Another great thing is that f you ever get lost there are always maps on the floor. You just swipe the ground revealing a map! Clap three times for a ride! You will have many choices. Selections include, Magic carpet, Public airbus, Cloud car, and MORE! If you are ever hungry, there are lots of great authentic foods to be found anywhere!  Kids need some fun too! If you are playing tag, running or doing anything and you fall?! Don’t worry you wont get hurt because right before your body hits the ground, a pillow will pop up to save the day! We call this the pillow planter.  Nature here is the best as nature can get. Rarumi is such a clean enviromental friendly planet, whicih means we get the best undiscovered plants here! There are so many forests, parks, and even jungels waiting to be discovered. Rare wildlife is one of the most reasons why tourists come to Rarumi. Our wildlife includes natural mutational birth. Like the elepig (elephant and pig), Sale (seal and whale), octocrab (octopus and crab), and much more. That’s all for the tour guys, so remember come on a long to this new adventure!!! I’ll see you soon!

Little Prince Thoughts…

1.What does the Narrator mention that grown-ups require to understand things like children do?

The narrator mentions that grown-ups require numbers, specific details, and lots of words. I know this because in the book, the little prince explained to the adults about a gorgeous pink bricked house, but they did not understand. Then the little prince explained that if he told the adults that there was a million dollar house, they would understand right away.

2. How does the example of the house help us understand what Grown-ups require to see everything clearly?

The example of the house helps us by telling us how a grown-up would react to a kid trying to explain something. The example of the house also helped us by telling us that the adults needed the price to get the picture in mind.

3. What do we know about “The Little Prince”?

We know that the little prince wanted a sheep, he has blonde hair, and he lives on a planet thats smaller than a normal house.

4. What does the “The Little Prince” tell us about his home?

“The Little Prince” tells us that his home is a planet called asteroid 3752, or B612 , slightly smaller than a regular house.

Le Petit Prince, Journal entry #1

Do you understand adults?

Honestly, i think i could say its a 50, 50%. Sometimes i don’t understand when adults just yell at you for the simplest things. I think that adults need to understand us, but that would take a long time.

Do grown ups understand you?

To be honest i don’t really think that adults understand us that well. this is the new generation where we have technology and basically everything that we want to do is chat, post, and text, but sometimes adults don’t understand that. They think that we need to study 24/7. I feel like there brains are still stuck in their generation XD

Are you ready for the grown-up world?

I don’t think I’m ready for the grown-up world because I haven’t learned enough about life and e.t.c. There are so many responsibilities you have to take in order to keep on track. Its going to be a lot more stressful than we are right now. So we have to live while we’re young, have fun, and experience things we won’t have time for when we grow up. We have to enjoy the time when we have not that many responsibilities, living life as a kid.

the lil prince

The End Of The Fear…

The door sealed them in; the elevator started up.                                                         “Hello, Martin,” she said, and laughed, and pushed the stop button. Suddenly everything stopped with a thud. Martin knew that this wasn’t going to end well. The fat lady opened her green coat revealing knifes. Martin slowly pushed himself against the corner. The fat lady slowly took out a silver Japanese knife. “Martin, your dad and I have been in love before he met your mom. We were soul mates, but then his heart had been stolen. They were married and then had you. I got depression, gained weight, and i’m still heartbroken. So I murdered your mom, to teach your dad a lesson. I wanted him to know how it feels to lose someone you love, but he still hasn’t come back to me yet.” She took a step closer to Martin.   ” I STILL LOVE YOUR DAD MARTIN.” When Martin banged her hard on the head with his crutches. She fell on the floor. Martin slowly sat on the elevator floor, and thought about what just happened. ” I DON’T WANT TO PLAY THIS GAME ANYMORE!”, he said sobbing. ” WHY DID I HAVE TO DEAL WITH THIS FAT LADY, WHEN I COULD JUST DIE.” Martin took the Japanese knife and pulled it to his chest. ” You know, i always knew that one day someday it would end like this. I don’t even deserve to live. No wonder I have no friends. People bully me, not ONE person cares about me, not even my dad. I don’t even have a mom. What kind of life is this? God, I wish I wasn’t even born, then none of this would’ve happened. I’m weak, a freak, paranoid, i’m afraid of the world… My mom died when i was 12 months, I barely remember her, but now I understand this was supposed to happen. so i could at least see my mom. I hope my soul takes the right path. I’ll see you soon mom.”

We are the world we are the children…

What are my ideas for global change? Well since a person from The Free The Children program came to help us get some ideas for helping out the world, I’ve been thinking a lot more about it. I’d like to help Ghana and the pillar Is healthcare/alt.income+livelihood. I feel that those pillars are the most important to me because once you get a house and some money you can start to settle and create your own life. With healthcare you’d not only be well treated for, but now you got a place to go when you’re sick. One by one each person will have a place to call home. To make that happen we need ideas on how to raise money. Our team (Manelle, Adam, Trinity, and me) thought about a festival, but lets break it down. Drawing contest: Students will be asked to draw a poster that bestly represents our topic or cause. The best ones will be picked to go around the neighbourhood. This will save our time on Advertisments. Sport Tournament: Get active cause its time to play! On a specific date students will play in a sport tourney. Different Ages have different teams. People who are watching will pledge on which team will win, the money will go to our cause. Dancathon: We could have a dancathon in the gym! We hand out to student a piece of paper and they have to tell there aunt’s, uncles, friend’s, or anyone they know to pledge money. The person who pledges the most will win the prize at the dancathon! 😀 Good music will be there too!!!

Thank you Alex from Trollbase!!!

versatile blogger award pic

Thank you Alex from trollbase for nominating me for the versatile blogger award!

Here’s 7 fast about moi 😛

I’m naturally straight haired


I want to be an interior designer for UNICEF, free the children, or me 2 we and help them design schools and houses around the world.

I love to sing and draw

I like to participate or volunteer in extra activities

I love to help out

Fave food, PIZZA

Fav movie is hard, but they’re mostly created by Disney 🙂

These are the unicorns I nominate…

https://mlgpronoscopezzz.wordpress.com https://ramosmanelle.wordpress.com       https://samiaafrinsite.wordpress.com               https://https://picklemegood.wordpress.com

Thanks again Alex 🙂 XD